What Sets Me Apart.

My professional journey has developed a wide range of skills and strong expertise.

My Goals.

the communication intent with high-quality deliverables.
the French-Canadian language and culture.
English-language distribution with the French-Canadian world.
to the continuity of #HumanToHuman exchanges in all their complexity and fascination.

The Values That Drive Me.

Ethics, integrity, professionalism, reliability, efficiency, security, confidentiality, and respect. But also, understanding others and the world we live in, sharing and generosity.
Traductrice agréée (Certified Translator)

Hélène Thivierge, MA, C. Tr.
Certified translator of the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ). Founder of Traduction THIVIERGE, Services linguistiques.

I am a native French speaker with a Bachelor of Arts in Sciences of Language, a Master of Arts in Translation and Terminology, a Certificate in Environmental Studies, and 21 credits towards a Bachelor’s degree in Law. My professional maturity stems from higher education, ongoing training, and achievements in various fields, including translation, editing, and writing.

Why the sea theme?

Multidiscilinarity* . Versatility

Experience . Know-How


My career path includes key roles and responsibilities in diverse areas, such as:

  • Translation, revision, and content writing
  • Education and research
  • Communication
  • Project management, rural and strategic planning
  • Urban planning, heritage, and tourism
  • Energy efficiency
  • Software application development
  • Legal research
  • Geomatics, Land surveying, Geodesy

This broad experience has provided me with a wide range of skills, including:

  • Communication
  • Terminology research
  • Content management
  • Project management
  • Web architecture and content
  • Technical proficiency
  • Image processing

This expertise enables me to offer linguistic services in literature, scientific, technical, and legal fields. It allows me to:

  • Communicate effectively
  • Reach the target audience
  • Provide sound advice
  • Ensure quality assurance
  • Respect the French communities in Canada
All Your Linguistic Needs in One Place !
Conformity. Consistency. Clarity.
Let's discuss your needs
Turnkey Services
Trust. Respect. Professionalism
See all my services
High-quality communication
Clear, respectful, and efficient, offering sound advice and added value.
Let's discuss your needs