PROFESSIONAL LINGUISTIC SERVICES provided by a certified translator and member of the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ). My certified services include:
- Translation from English to French
- Translation and certification of official documents (notarial acts, birth certificates, etc.)
- Comparative revision (bilingual EN > FR)
Other Services:
- French revision (unilingual)
- Content writing and transcription
- Copy editing and proofreading
- Translation from Portuguese to French (only in the general field)
Turnkey Projects
P rocess: rigorous and interactive
R equirements: respect
E ndorsement: listening and
needs analysis
P roposition: clear and reliable
A ccountability: quality assurance
R each Upwards: your objectives
and target audience
E valuation and follow-up
(as needed)
EXPERTISE FIELDS are based on extensive knowledge (higher studies and further training) and gained practical experience in translation, revision, and content writing. These include the following general, technical, scientific and legal fields, but are not limited to:
- Art, anthropology, heritage, literature, humanities (including digital humanities), education, Indigenous studies, research, ecosophy, and philosophy.
- Administrative, information, and communication technologies (ICT), human resources and continuing education.
- Environmental sciences, ecology, energy, raw material extraction, food and food safety, holistic health, agriculture, alternative medicines, applied sciences (e.g., geomatics, software applications, engineering), transportation and logistics, occupational health and safety.
- Real Estate, urban, municipal, regional, environmental, and agricultural law.
Enjoy the benefits of
- High-quality text
- Clarity, visibility, and appeal for the target audience
- Consistency and compliance with your requirements and needs
- Enhanced scope, engagement, and impact!
My expertise covers ALL TYPES OF DOCUMENTS, including press releases, minutes, administrative documents, technical and scientific papers, research reports, studies, articles, presentations, bids, agreements, contracts, budgets, regulations, policies, manuals, training materials, and web content.
TECHNOLOGICAL TOOLS such as computer assisted translator (CAT tools) and blingual concordancer are continuously updated to the newest versions. This is required to ensure terminology conformity and translation consistency.

Above all, REFERENCE TOOLS are indispensable in translation, editing, and writing. From dictionaries to specialized books, a well-stocked library and reputable websites are essential for exemplary work, avoiding the pitfalls of the French language, and ensuring correct typography.